Tolbert Texas State CCO Info & Rules



33rd Tolbert Texas State Chili Championship BBQ Rules:

• Age Limit: All Head Cooks must be at least 18 years of age.

• Cooked On Site: All meat will be brought to the cooking site RAW! No Pre-Marinating, Presoaking, or Prespicing prior to registration. Meat will be prepared on site and from scratch. NO meat will be allowed to leave cook off site/area. Meat is subject to inspection by judging committee or head judge.

• Turn In Times: Turn In Times shall be posted on site and will be given to head cooks at registration. Head judge can make a change in turn in times by an hour and a half increments if the number of cooks is larger than 50.

• All Categories will have a 20-minute window for Turn In, 10 minutes before to 10 minutes after the stated turn in times. Do not add anything to the product once it is in the tray.

• Brisket: Cook’s will turn in seven (7) full slices, approximately 1/4-to-3/8-inch thick, full slices, with the ends of the brisket intact. Starting from the hinge of the lid, place the slices parallel to the hinge working your way forward. If sliced to thick or to thin the cook will be required to correct it.

• No Head Cook will be allowed to cut off another head cook's meat and turn in it for judging. They must turn in their own prepared meat and not touch another cook's meat. This is grounds for disqualification.

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33rd Tolbert Texas State Chili Championship BBQ Rules:
• Pits & Entries Per Pit: There will only be one head cook per pit. Pit will be any commercial or homemade, trailered, or un-trailered pit or smoker. All fires for cooking meat must be wood or wood products (Charcoal). NO GAS OR ELECTRIC SMOKERS/PITS or PELLET GRILLS/SMOKERS.

• Markers and Garnish: Cook’s may use sauce; however nothing may be added to the meat once it has been placed in tray. Nothing should be puddled in the tray. All garnishes of any type are prohibited.

• Disqualification: If a tray is found to be in violation it will be disqualified.

• Cooks Meeting: The Cooks Meeting will be held at the discretion of the Head Judge. Meetings are to be held by 9am of cook off day. Head Judge will go over rules. Head Cooks are encouraged to attend but not required. Any questions should be answered at this time to the Head Judge.

• Judging Format: All entries will be submitted in identical containers, a 13” x 9” for chicken and the meats in a 9”x9” hinged foam tray with a matched pair of numbered ticket affixed to tray with duct tape, a piece of foil for each container, which have been brought to the site by the head judge. Each Head Cook will be instructed to PRINT his/ her name in ink on the ticket when picking up trays. This ticket is used to match to the ticket on the winning box. Only the name written on the winning ticket will go on the winner’s sheet, by head judge. NO TICKET NO WIN!

• Judging: All trays accepted at turn in will be inspected for the correct thickness and quantities. All tray accepted will go to the judging table to be judged.

• Judges: It is the promoter’s responsibility to get all the judges seated at the table before the tray turn in begins. Tolbert Texas State Championship recommends (5) Judges per table. Head Cooks are prohibited from judging. The approved Tolbert Texas State Championship Judging Sheets are to be used. Judges will be instructed on how to pass the trays, fill out the score sheets. Pallet Cleansers are to be used in between judging each tray. Judges will be instructed on the correct use of the Knife & Fork, and the scoring process. There should be no more than (20) trays per table.

The Original Terlingua International Championship Chili Cookoff

Frank X. Tolbert – Wick Fowler Memorial


TO L B E R T   R U L E S                                                                                                                   October 1, 2023


(The phrase “OTICCC” means the Original Terlingua Championship Chili Cookoff when stated in these rules.) I. RULES FOR CHILI COMPETITION


  1. 1. The Head cook or designee must register (name, address and e-mail or phone #) at Cookoff

Headquarters to enter the chili competition (only one cup may be submitted per registered cook.)

  1. 2. Showmanship Team Captain or designee must register at Cookoff Headquarters to enter the showmanship competition. They will receive a show number sheet that must be displayed during Showmanship judging. Registration information requirements: Team name, Team Captain’s name, address and e-mail or phone # and Designated Chili Cook on the team if the Team Captain is not cooking chili.
  2. The Head cook or designee will draw their judging cup and initial for receipt at Registration, Head Cooks Meeting or as determined by Cookoff. Remove the numbered ticket from the cup, print your name on the back and put in a safe place. Winners will be announced by this number and the matching ticket must be presented to claim the award.
  3. Cooks must not "mark" the cup in any way. If a cup is marked or damaged, a replacement can be obtained from Headquarters by turning in the damaged cup and both matching numbered
  4. If a ticket is lost prior to turn-in time, a replacement may be obtained from the Referee by turning in the original cup and ticket that the Referee will destroy.
  5. If a Cook must leave before announcements, they should give their ticket and address information to the Referee. A winning cook must arrange to have their trophy delivered.
  6. Cooks must be at least 18 years old to enter a cookoff.



  1. Chili must be cooked on site the day of the cookoff from scratch. "Scratch" means starting with raw meat and spices. Commercial chili powder is permissible, but complete commercial chili mixes (such as Wick Fowler 2-Alarm Chili Mix) are NOT permitted.
  2. Chili must be prepared out in the open in as sanitary a manner as possible.
  3. No beans, pasta, rice, whole peppers, large pieces of vegetables, inedible objects, etc. are allowed.
  4. The Head Cook must prepare the chili to be judged.



  1. No more than one judging sample may be taken from any one pot of chili.
  2. At turn-in time, fill your cup as designated at the Cooks Meeting (or fill to within one inch of the top of the cup) and take it to the Cookoff Headquarters. Late cups will not be accepted.
  3. Your chili will be judged on AROMA, CONSISTENCY, RED COLOR, TASTE and AFTERTASTE.



  1. Use Identical Cups (16 to 24 oz. Styrofoam) with lids and numbered tickets attached with tape to the outside of the cup, with a correspondingly numbered ticket placed either inside the cup or if using double tickets, tape down one ticket where the second one can be torn off by the Cook. (Be watchful that the side of the ticket with the number is not the side applied to the tape.)
  2. Cups should not be kept in any order. Store in large containers to prevent damaging the cups. Always make up extra cups.



  1. As cups are turned in for judging, have workers collect the cups in large containers.
  2. After all the cups are turned in, workers will randomly remove the cups and using a permanent marker mark the cup with a Table "Letter" and Number in sequential order. (Example: 45 Cooks; 3 Preliminary Judging Tables - "A", "B", and "C"; therefore, cups are marked A-1 thru A-15, B-1 thru B-15, and C-1 thru C-15) Continue this process until all cups turned in are properly marked and taken to the appropriate judging tables.
  3. No chilis will be accepted once cups have been randomized.

4.The cup judging number must be changed at each stage of judging -- using a different color marker.



  1. The official Tolbert judging sheet must be used. If a Cookoff Chairman wishes to add information to the chili judging form, it must be approved by the rules committee.
  2. No one should be in the judging area except the judges for the current round and officials running the judging or as allowed by the Referee. Cooks may watch the judging, but from outside the judging area.
  3. Judging will be done using preliminary and final judges, and when necessary, semi-final. When there are twenty (20) or fewer chilies to be judged at a cookoff, it is permissible to eliminate the preliminary judging stage and proceed directly to final judging. If more than twenty (20) chilies are turned in, refer to the Referee Policy to handle the situation.
  4. It is permissible to draw a portion of the Preliminary Judges from head cooks or other cooking team members. This should be done by using a random drawing rather than pre-selection or a "sign-up to judge" list. Judges shall be at least eighteen (18) years old. Each table should have at least five (5) judges.
  5. Final and semi-final judges shall not have been judges in any previous level of chili judging. Final judges shall not be associated with any cook at that given cookoff and shall abstain from tasting any chili prior to judging. The suggested number of final judges is nine (9) or more, but no fewer than six (6).
  6. In judging, a minimum of four (4) chilies must come off each preliminary table (preferably one half of the chilies on the table) and go to final judging. In large cookoffs, when this creates too many chilies on final tables, semi-final tables should be used. Judging should be divided among the tables so the final table will end up with preferably no more than twenty (20) chilies, but not fewer than fourteen (14).
  7. Each table must have a Table Monitor to control the movement of cups and answer questions. Refer to the Table Monitor Instructions in the Cookoff Packet. Discussion of the chilies will not be permitted. Any questions as to disqualification of a cup of chili will be directed to the Referee by the Table Monitor for a final decision.
  8. One score takes into consideration all criteria for scoring chili; the criteria being AROMA,

CONSISTENCY, RED COLOR, TASTE and AFTERTASTE. Each cup is scored on its own merits from one (1) to ten (10); ten (10) being the highest score. Each Judge must enter a score for each cup of chili.

  1. Judges must use a new spoon for each taste.
  2. Judges may not re-taste chili after it has been passed to the next Judge. The Table Monitor should collect judging sheets and make sure that each Judge at the table has scored each chili. The total points from all Judges will determine the winner.
  3. Judging sheets from each table must be tabulated, preferably by using a computer Tally Program, in the judging area to arrive at a total score for each cup of chili. The chilies having the highest scores for their table, within a predetermined number of chilies, will advance to the next judging level. Do not break ties within the predetermined number of chilies to be moved to the next judging level. They must all to be moved forward even if the number of each table is different.
  4. A tie-breaking panel of three Judges may be used to break ties on the final judging table if necessary. If there are enough judges on the final table [nine (9) or more], at least three (3) judging sheets may be pulled at random before tabulation, for breaking ties. It is recommended that the completed judges tally sheets not be made available to cooks or others to avoid unnecessary confrontations about the scoring. 13. Winning chili numbers will not be revealed until the winner announcements begin.

The top 10 (ten) chili and showmanship winners must be announced in reverse order of their finish. The ticket from the outside of the cup will be removed and passed to the Announcer. Upon announcement of the ticket number, the cook must present their signed ticket to the Announcer to be matched with the ticket from the cup. A second person who has not cooked that day must verify the numbers match before the placing is official. The winner must ensure their name and address information is recorded on the Tally Sheet. Final and/or Semi Table ticket numbers may be announced after the top ten (10) chili and show awards are announced, either in random or specific placement order.    D. ANNOUNCING WINNERS 

  1. If a cook must leave before announcements, refer to rule I.A.6.



  1. Show teams must have a chili cook entered in the cookoff and team be registered to qualify for showmanship points.
  2. Showmanship teams MUST enter all cookoffs during the chili year under the same Show Name and Show Captain who must be in attendance at the cookoff.
  3. Showmanship teams will be identified for judging by an assigned number. The number is to be prominently displayed on the show booth or worn by the participant if traveling away from their booth.
  4. Showmanship shall be judged on: THEME (Originality, etc.), COSTUME, BOOTH SET-UP, ACTION, and AUDIENCE APPEAL
  5. Judging shall be on a continuous basis for a minimum of thirty (30) minutes, with a maximum of two (2) hours during the cookoff at the discretion of the Cookoff Chairman, ending at least thirty (30) minutes prior to chili turn-in time or beginning thirty (30) minutes after chili turn-in time.
  6. Sound amplification may be used, with limited volume, so as not to interfere with surrounding cooks or show teams.
  7. Showmanship activities must be limited so as not to interfere with other show teams, or to cause hazardous or unsafe conditions to exist.
  8. Show teams must not offer or dispense any alcoholic beverages to spectators during their show.
  9. A team discharging firearms or using any other explosives or pyrotechnics will be disqualified. No guns, capable of firing bullets or blanks, will be allowed during showmanship.
  10. Nudity and lewdness is banned from showmanship.
  11. If a Show Team Captain must leave before announcements, they should give their show number and address information to the Referee. The Show Captain must arrange to have the trophy delivered.



  1. Showmanship judging will be on a one (1) to ten (10) point system (10 is high), using the five (5) categories to determine a total. The judges tally sheets will be tabulated together to determine the winners. If necessary, ties may be broken by using additional judges.
  2. Showmanship judges must remain anonymous, concealing their judging sheets while viewing the shows.


  1. 1. There should be no entertainment or other activities authorized by the Cookoff Chairman that would interfere with showmanship during the hours of showmanship judging.



  1. The OTICCC “Chili Year” begins on October first (1st) and ends September thirtieth (30th) of the next year, for the following November’s Championship, which is held the first Saturday in November in Terlingua, Texas.
  2. Cookoffs sanctioned by CASI rules will entitle the Cooks and Showmanship Teams to earn points or qualification for the Terlingua Championship, unless the cookoff rules were not followed.



  1. All former Terlingua Chili Champions (Tolbert and CASI) and Past ICS World Chili Champions are automatically qualified for life.
  2. The second (2nd) thru tenth (10th) place winners at the Terlingua Championships (Tolbert and CASI) are qualified for the following year’s championship.
  3. The top three winners, regardless of place, who are residents of the state in a State Championship are automatically qualified. Winners residing outside the State will receive points and first (1st) place will be automatically qualified.
  4. The top three winners, regardless of place, who are residents of the state in a Men’s State or Women’s State Championship are automatically qualified. Winners residing outside the State will receive points and first (1st) place will be automatically qualified. States must have at least twelve (12) cookoffs in the previous chili year to be eligible for automatic qualification.
  5. The top three (3) winners at Regional Open and International Championships are qualified if the cookoff has at least twenty-five (25) cooks.
  6. First (1st) place red chili winners at ANY sanctioned TOLBERT, CASI, and ICS Cookoffs with at least 15 cooks are automatically qualified.
  7. The top ten (10) winners at the Very Last Chance Cookoff held during the week of OTICCC are automatically qualified. Only cooks not qualified prior to OTICCC are eligible to enter. See rule VI.F.1 for more details about the cookoff.
  8. The required number of points to qualify in each state is based on the number of cookoffs held in the state the previous chili year.             States having: 1 – 11 cookoffs require – 6 points 

                                                                                              12 - or more cookoffs require - 9 points

  1. The number of points awarded per place are: First Place - Five (5) Points                                                         

                                                                                             Second Place - Four (4) Point

                                                                                             Third Place     - Three (3) Points

                                                                                             Fourth thru Tenth Place - Two (2) Points per place



  1. First (1st) place winners of the Open and Limited Showmanship at OTICCC are qualified for the following year’s championship.
  2. The top Show Team winner, regardless of place, who is a resident of the state in a State, Men’s or Women’s State Championship is automatically qualified.

3 The First (1st) place Show Team of a Regional Open or International Championships with at least twenty-five (25) cooks is automatically qualified. 

  1. 4. The number of points required for Showmanship qualification is the same as Chili qualification.



  1. No Tolbert cookoff may be held on the same day at the same location as a CASI or ICS cookoff.
  2. Cookoffs must be published in the Son of a Gap (an affiliate of the Goat Gap Gazette) or listed on the

Tolbert web site at least thirty (30) days prior to cookoff date. The publication deadline date is the 20th. (Example: May events must be in the April edition, deadline for that is March 20th.) The Tolbert President may grant a "one time" exemption for a cookoff that did not make the deadline for publication. The event must be advertised locally. Proof of advertisement must be presented before the event is sanctioned. The exception would not be allowed for September events. 

  1. It is the responsibility of the Cookoff Chairman to obtain from the Son of a Gap, a packet (via mail or email), containing the "Tolbert" Rules and official forms. There is no charge for this packet.



  1. Cookoffs must sponsored by a "not-for-profit" group, usually to benefit a worthwhile public cause. Cookoffs may not give prizes of cash or high monetary value. The State, Regional and International Cookoffs can give expense money to teams who attend OTICCC.
  2. A minimum of fifteen (15) cooks are required to be present and cooking.
  3. Cookoffs must be open to at least fifty cooks. State, Regional and International Championships should be unlimited as to the number of cook entries.
  4. There is no cookoff fee, but the Cookoff Chairman is responsible for the supplies needed to put on a sanctioned cookoff.



  1. Chili and Showmanship competition must be judged using the current Tolbert Secret Judging System as stated in this document in section II.
  2. The Cookoff Chairman schedules the date, location, categories, turn in times, entry fees, choice of charity and any other prominent information of the cookoff to be held. This information must be given to the Tolbert Coordinator no less than forty (40) days prior to the date of the cookoff. It is advisable for Cookoff Chairman of new cookoffs to contact the Tolbert Coordinator at least two (2) months prior scheduling the event to hopefully avoid having two Tolbert cookoffs in the same area on the same date. Cookoffs that are regularly scheduled for the same weekend each year must confirm their cookoff dates and information in the same time frame.
  3. The Cookoff Chairman is responsible for the site preparation, trophies (or certificates), judging sheets for all categories, judging palette cleansers, spoons (and other utensils as needed for other categories) for judging, and coordinates with the Referee concerning judging cups and lids. The Cookoff Chairman will work with the Tolbert Coordinator to recruit a Referee for the cookoff. The Cookoff Chairman must coordinate with the Referee to ensure all the necessary judging supplies and forms will be available, arrange to have judges available and determine the person in charge of other categories of competition. The Cookoff Chairman will make the decisions for judging the other categories and the Referee makes the decisions concerning the chili judging. Both are encouraged to consult with the other on problems that may occur.
  4. The duty of the Referee is to see that the Tolbert rules are complied with, make decisions concerning rule questions, offer advice and to assure the cookoff is properly run. The Referee is responsible for assuring the cookoff winners are recorded during announements and sending the cookoff paperwork to the Tally Master as outlined in rule V.D.2. The Referee should have a Head or Assistant Judge to help with the chili judging process and recruit and train Table Monitors as needed. The Referee may, but not be required to assist the Cookoff Chairman with judging the other categories.



  1. 1. Following announcements the Official Tally Sheet listing the top ten (10) chili winners and the top three showmanship winners (if awarded) with address and email information must be completed.

2.The top three (3) chili winners, and first (1st) place Showmanship Winner at State, Men’s & Women’s Championships residing in that State must be reported. 

  1. The Referee is responsible for sending a copy of the Tally Sheet and copies of the Cooks and

Showmanship Registration forms to the Son of a Gap and Tally Master within a week after the cookoff. . A list of the winners of other competitions may be sent to the Son of a Gap to be included with the publication of winners for the event. These forms may be e-mailed, mailed, or faxed. There is no charge to have your Cookoff Winners recorded.



  2. All the rules for judging chili and showmanship followed during the regular chili year apply during the OTICCC cookoff unless otherwise noted below.



  1. A list of qualified Cooks and Show Team Captains will be kept at the gate. Other lists of Event Chairmen, Sponsors, Special Guests, Vendors, and Bands eligible for free armbands will be maintained at the entry gate. Judges must pay the gate fee.
  2. Qualified Cooks and Show Teams Captains who have a history of participation in Tolbert events are listed separately from Cooks and Show Teams Captains who qualify for OTICCC by placing at CASI or ICS events. Those NOT on the “Tolbert” list are NOT eligible for free armbands unless they cook or show at OTICCC. To receive free armbands, they must sign a form acknowledging they will be participating in the OTICCC or owe the cookoff the entry fee. Failure to cook or show at OTICCC after receiving free armbands will result in a Lifetime Ban from receiving a free armband until their debt is paid.
  3. Qualified Cooks and Show Teams Captains who will be cooking and/or showing at OTICCC are eligible for two (2) free armbands per household.
  4. Show Team Captains should contact the Tolbert Coordinator if any of their team members participating with the show are not eligible for a free armband, so their name may be added to the “Tolbert” list to receive a free armband.
  5. Any person already eligible to receive a free armband(s) who also enter any BBQ categories, are not eligible to receive more than 2 armbands per household.



  1. Registration will be located under the pavilion. See the Event Scheduled for their scheduled openings times. A report of all the qualified Cooks and Show Team Captains will be used for registration. All Cooks and Show Team Captains must present their photo ID to register to cook and/or show. To speed up the process of receiving your cup on Saturday morning, please register prior to Saturday morning.
  2. Cooks must attend the Saturday morning Cooks Meeting, see the Event Schedule for the time. After the meeting cups will be distributed. Lists will have been created of the registered cooks on Thursday and Friday. The Cooks will present their photo ID to be verified, initial the report and be given a cup and lid. They must sign the ticket on the cup before leaving the table.
  3. Show Team Captains must attend the Show Team meeting on Saturday morning, see the Event Schedule for the time. A photo ID is required.



  1. Judging cups will be identical 32 (thirty-two) ounces with numbered tickets unique to the cookoff.
  2. Turn in is at High Noon on Saturday.



  1. A qualified Show Team Captain does not have to be qualified to Cook to participate in Showmanship.
  2. Showmanship time limit shall be set at 2 hours.
  3. Showmanship will be divided into Open and Limited Show divisions with separate judging and trophies. Open teams will consist of any number of members and Limited teams will consist of four or fewer members.
  4. Participating Show Team Captains will receive a coupon for a free Cookoff T-shirt (if not qualified to cook chili) and Goodie Bag at the Show Team Meeting or as determined by the Head Judge.



  1. The top ten (10) winners at the Very Last Chance Cookoff is held during the week prior to the Championship. Only cooks not qualified prior to the OTICCC are eligible to enter. A photo ID is required to register and turn in your chili cup. See the Event Scheduled for registration and turn in times. 2. As the winners are announced, the Cook must present their photo ID to the Registration Chairman (or their designee) to have their name added to the official OTICCC registration records. Very Last Chance qualifiers are not awarded points or eligible for free armbands.



  1. It is not permissible for Cooks competing in OTICCC to judge on any level.
  2. A tie-breaking panel of three (3) judges must be used to break ties for the top two (2) places and tenth (10th) place on the final judging table. Ties among the other places shall be assigned places by the computer Tally Program.



  1. Official chili turn-in by the Cook is at the pavilion beginning at High Noon until the initial line of cooks has turned their chili. If a cook is unable to bring their cup to the pavilion, they must contact the Referee prior to Noon.
  2. Cooks will receive a coupon for a free Cookoff T-shirt and Goodie Bag after turning in their cup of chili.



  1. Chili announcements start with the Final Table winners in reverse order. After fourth (4th) place chili is announced, the Limited and Open Showmanship winners will be announced along with the chili third (3rd) through first (1st) place winners.
  2. Each winner must check in with the Registration Chairman (or their designee) to officially register their win.
  3. If a Cook must leave before announcements, they must give their ticket and address information to the Referee. A winning cook must arrange to have their trophy delivered.
  4. When announcing the Final Table through second (2nd) place winning numbers, if the Cook does not come to the stage within five (5) minutes, the Announcer will proceed to announce the next winning ticket. When the first (1st) place winning ticket is announced, the Winner has ten (10) minutes to present the matching ticket to the Announcer. During the ten (10) minutes, the Announcer will repeat the number numerous times along with any other missing unmatched tickets. If the first (1st) place Winner does not appear within the allotted ten (10) minute period, the second (2nd) place Winner will be declared the Champion for the year and second (2nd) place will be unawarded. Third (3rd) through tenth (10th) places will remain as awarded.
  5. The Registration Chairman (or their designee) is responsible for creating a list (or photo of the list) of the winners for the Tally Master, OTICCC President and the Son of a Gap editor.


  1. QUALIFICATION AT OTICCC FOR THE NEW CHILI YEAR 1. OTICCC champion is automatically qualified for life.
  2. The second (2nd) thru tenth (10th) place Chili winners are qualified for the following year’s championship.
  3. The first (1st) place Show Team Captains of the Open and Limited Showmanship divisions are qualified for the following year’s championship.



Information: Kathleen Tolbert Ryan, 2832 Rock Port Cove, Grapevine, TX 76051-2639 Contact: 817-653-0988 (Cell) or e-mail: 


For Cookoff Registration, Packet, or Information: Goat Gap Gazette, Debbie Eiland Turner, PO Box J, Waxahachie, TX 75168-0356

Contact: 972-935-2402 (cell), 972-351-0024 (Fax) e-mail:


Tally Masters: Jim & Mona Schlieper, 209 Bluebird Road, Victoria, TX 77905-0513

Contact: Jim 361-524-0580, e-mail: or       Mona 361-525-0131, e-mail:


          Web site:             Tolbert email:

   Facebook Pages: OTICCC or Tolbert Chili Group Information OTICCC

           Facebook pages related to Tolbert:  Central Texas Tolbert Chili Group       

                                                                      North Texas Tolbert Chili Group



 Mild Bill's Verde Chili Rules:


  1. Rules for Verde Competition
      1. Head Cook or designee must register (name, address, & email) at cook off headquarters
      2. Head Cook will receive their judging cup and initial for receipt at Registration. Remove the numbered ticket from the cup, write your name on the back and keep in a safe place. Winners will be announced by the number and it must be presented to claim the award.
  • Cooks must not “mark” cup in any way. If cup is damaged, a replacement can be obtained by turning in damaged cup and numbered ticket.
  1. Cooks must be at least 18 Years Old to enter the cookoff.
  1. Preparing Chili
    1. Chili must be cooked on site the day of the cookoff from scratch. “Scratch” means starting with raw meat and using regular spices. Commercial Chili Powder is Permissible, but complete commercial chili mixes are NOT permitted.
    2. Chili must be prepared in the open in as sanitary a manner as possible.
  • Chili Verde is the combination of any kind of meats cooked with green chili peppers, various spices and other ingredients. NO POTATOES, BEANS, PASTA, GARNISH, or similar items are allowed.
  1. No ingredients may be precooked in any other way prior to the cook off. The only exceptions are canned / bottled tomatoes, tomato sauce, peppers, pepper sauce, broth & grinding and or mixing of spices.
  2. Meat may be pre-cut or Ground. No one meat is preferred over the other. MEAT CAN NOT BE PRE COOKED, in any manner. All other items must be cut / chopped or prepared at the cook off.
  3. The Head Cook must prepare the chili to be judged.
  1. Turning in Chili
    1. No More than One Judging Sample can be taken from any on pot.
    2. Each Cook may turn in only one cup chili.
  • At turn-in time, fill you cup ¾ full (or leave at least 1-inch head space) and take it to the Cookoff Headquarters. DO NOT BE LATE.
  1. Your chili will be judged on Appearance, Aroma and Taste.
  1. Frank X Tolbert Secret Judging Procedure
    1. Judging Cups
      1. Use Identical Cups (16-24 oz. Styrofoam) with lids and numbered tickets attached with tape to the outside of the cup, with a correspondingly numbered ticket placed either inside the cup or if using double tickets, tape down one ticket where the second one can be torn off by the cook (Be watchful that the side of the ticket with the number is not the side applied to the tape.) Note: Judging cups FOR the Terlingua Championship will be 32 oz.
      2. Cups should not be kept in any order. Always make extra cups.
    2. Turn-In and Judging Number Procedure
      1. As Cups are turned in for judging, have workers collect the cups in large containers,
      2. The containers are then taken to a different set of workers who will randomly move the cups, one at a time, and using a permanent marker will mark the cup with a Table Letter and Number. (Example: 45 Cook; 3 Preliminary Judging Tables – A, B, & C; therefore, cups are marked A-1 thru A-15, B-1 thru B-15, & C-1 thru C-15.) Continue the process until all cups turned in are properly marked and taken to the appropriate judging tables.
  1. Outside Judging Number should be changed at each stage of judging – Use a different color marker at each round of judging.
  1. Judging Procedure
    1. Judging Sheets should be numbered 1 to 25 or more, down the side with space for the judges score. An official judging sheet with general rules is included with the cook off packet.
    2. Judging will be done using preliminary and final judges, and when necessary, semi-final. When there are 20 or less Chilies to be judged at a cook off, it is permissible to eliminate the preliminary judging stage and proceed to final table judging.
  • It is permissible to draw a portion of the Preliminary Judges from head cooks or other cooking team members. This should be done by using a random drawing rather than pre -selection or a “sign-up to judge” list. Judges shall be at least 18 years old. Each table should have at least 5 judges. Odd Number of Judges at each table.
  1. Final and Semi-Final shall not have been judges in the preliminaries. Final Table judges shall not be associated with any cook at that given cook off and shall abstain from tasting any chili prior to judging. A suggested number of Final Tables Judges is 9 or more, but no less than 5. Odd number of Judges.
  2. In Judging, a minimum of four chilis must come off each preliminary table (preferably one half of the chilis on the table) and go to final table judging. In large cook offs, when this creates to many chilies on final tables, semifinal tables should be used. Judging should be divided among the tables so the final table will end up with preferable no more than 21 chilies, but no less the 15.
  3. Each Table should have a table monitor to control the movement of the cups and answer questions. Refer to the Table Monitor Instruction in the Cook Off Packet. Discussion of the Chilies will not be permitted. Any questions as to disqualification of a chili will be directed to the referee by the table monitor for a final decision.
  • One score takes into consideration all criteria for scoring chili: The criteria being Aroma, Consistency, Taste, After Taste, & Green Color. Each Cup is scored on its own merits from 1 to 10; 10 being the highest & 1 being the worst. Each Judge must give a score to each cup of chili.